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Wednesday 20 June 2012

I think 6 years as 'El Presidente' is enough.

About two years ago, well in fact on the 2nd July 2010, I wrote an article entitled 'I wonder if 4 years as 'El Presidente' is enough!', which I concluded with the statement “However someone is going to have take over at sometime”.

July 2010 was not the time as I reported in NoParole for 'El Presidente'

Another year passed and the community AGM in July 2011 was the beginning of year 6. When it came to the election of the Vice President there was no one. The minutes of the meeting read “There being no volunteers for nomination for this position, from those present at the meeting, there was a unanimous vote in favour of leaving the position vacant at this time, with a review at a later date if a property owner was prepared to come forward for the vacancy.” needless to say no one came forward.  Apathy!

Well, I have called this year's Community Annual General Meeting for the 3rd July and at that time my sixth year as 'El President' comes to an end. That 'sometime' that I mentioned in 2010 has arrived.

Having sent out the notice of the calling of the AGM at the beginning of June, I have today written to all the owners of properties in the community as follows:

“Please find the attached copies of the proposed Accounts and Balance Sheet as at the 30th June 2012 to be presented at the Annual General Meeting on the 3rd July 2012 for approval. You have already been sent notification of the meeting, including the agenda.

May I remind you that one of the items on the agenda is the election of the Community President. My current annual term of office in this position is coming to an end. Having been the voluntary incumbent for the past 6 years I think now is the time for someone else to assume the responsibility. It is not my intention to allow my name to be put forward for consideration for a further term. I would suggest therefore that you give some thought as to who you wish to nominate for inclusion in the list of candidates.

If you would please forward the nominee's name to me, having of course obtained their agreement, I will include them in the list and circulate this prior to the meeting.

The Law of Horizontal Property states that a Community of Owners has to have a President. Should there fail to be any nominations for the election, then in accordance with paragraph 13.2 of the said law, the selection of the President shall be appointed from among the owners by rotation of property numbers or random draw.”

advising them that I think 6 years as 'El Presidente' is enough.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Elliot,
    The name "El Presidente" is a very popular brand of beer in the Dominican Republic, and is brewed there under licence of the famous Tsech "Pilsner" beer!!!
    Just for your info!!


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